So now, I have four months off for summer holidays before I start my second year. So I should be having fun and relaxing and enjoying myself and be happy.
But I'm not. I know I should be, which only makes me feel even more guilty.
I know that one of the main reasons that I have been feeling this way is that I haven't yet found a full-time summer job. When I was in school, I was working part-time at my super crappy job that I hate with everything in me and would quit on the spot if I didn't need the money, and having a monthly living allowance from my student loans. And that was enough for us to live comfortably. We didn't have a lot of spending money or anything, but our bills were paid and that's good.
But now, it's a month and a half into my summer break, and I still haven't found another job. Now job-hunting and all the stresses that go along with it are completely consuming my life. It's all I think about. I wake up in the morning and before I even get out of bed I am on my phone checking the postings on Craigslist. Even right now, just saying that and being on the computer, I feel like I should be searching the job bank,, any search engines, anything. I feel just so guilty for any time that I am not spending trying to find a job. I can't relax, but I can't do anything because I am so tired and depressed and discouraged.
So now I am only working the same amount of hours at my old job, but I don't have that extra monthly income. Our bills are paid, but it's really tight, and our grocery bills are pretty fucking skimpy, and we're trying to scrape the money together to buy laundry detergent and stuff like that. I've applied at over forty places, gotten three interviews but still no job. I've gotten desperate enough that I even applied at Tim Hortons; the reason that this is the lowest of the low for me is because my first job was at a Tim Hortons (in a completely different city, mind you), and at this job, I was sexually harassed. I'll probably explain in more detail another time, if you're curious, but let's just say the police were involved and I couldn't go back in there for two years afterward.
And I couldn't even get a job there. It was one of the places I was interviewed and I didn't get a call back. I even had what I thought was the best interview I have ever had, and then I think I went and sabotaged myself and fucked it up, so I'm not gonna get that job either.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? How can I not get a job anywhere? My friends and family keep saying that it's because I'm overqualified; maybe it's true, but you also know how people who love you want to say things to make you feel better, even if it is a lie? That's kinda how I feel about it. And all of this rejection is starting to get me down and my already low self-esteem is in a fight that it can't seem to win.
The stresses of being in school, having deadlines and assignments and tests and such, I can handle. But real-world stresses like money and finding a job are altogether different, and something I have such a hard time dealing with. I've never been good at all that real-world living things like paying bills and credit and whathaveyou. People tell me that I'm really smart all the time, and I think, sure, I'm book-smart, but I'm real-world-stupid. That's what it comes down to. Oh, ha, and let's not forget pretty much socially inept. Asking me to start a conversation with someone I don't know is the same as asking my husband (who is not good at math) to solve an algebra equation. For me, it really is that difficult. I feel like there are these walls that I am trying to push through to just to get to the point when I can say hello, and then to actually say it is another set of barriers. And it's like their rubbery, so that I push and push and push, and I feel I'm getting closer, and sometimes I can break through them, but other times something happens and I just end up getting bounced back.
Now, I can feel the depression creeping in, it's started so slowly that I didn't even notice, until one day I'm thinking, Huh. I'm really depressed. That fast, and so inconspicuously my depression and anxiety have quickly tried to get their claws back in to me, and I can feel the scratches and I'm bleeding and losing the ability to fight back. I am tired all the time, I don't sleep well, I feel like crying a lot, I don't want to leave the house, people I love are starting to irritate me and it seems an effort to be happy around them, even though I miss them a lot, and I just don't feel like doing anything, but I feel so fucking guilty for everything that I think I'm supposed to be doing. And I kinda feel like my husband is in denial about it. Even though I went to therapy, I don't think he realizes that just because I did, I'm all of a sudden 100% better and cured, and now I won't ever get depressed again. And I'm afraid to tell him, too. I'm afraid I'll be disappointing him.
Wow. So, this post has just gone off on complete tangents, and I have no idea where the hell I am trying to go with anything at all. I just know I have a bunch of shit I needed to write down, and everything is all so tangled and it's hard to keep my emotions and experiences and memories separate. Just a bit of separation, at least in regard to my emotions, isn't working out so well.
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